Saturday, February 14, 2009

Update on Brian

Hi all,

I thought I should let you know that Brian has been in the hospital (McMaster) since 3:00am. He had breathing difficulty yesterday that just wasn't getting better so Lu called for an ambulance to come get him. He is being treated for dehydration and some Pneumonia. He is still in Emergency waiting for a bed to open up. No idea yet how long he will be in but we are all relieved he is getting expert care. He is very disappointed that he will miss attending tomorrow night's benefit : (

Lu will probably write more later when we have more to share. She is currently trying to get some sleep and I am glad to be able to be here at the house to help as needed. A neighbor came over during the night and Brian's mom, Pam was here this AM. Brian's brother, David, is at the hospital with Brian right now. My Dave is on chauffer duty today getting Blake to hockey games and hair cut and Bryce to hockey practice. I think all bases are covered : )

More later ...
Lynn (Lu's sister-in-law)


  1. LuAnne,
    We're so sorry to hear that Brian is in the hospital. Although that is the best place for him right now, I know it must be hard on you and the boys. Please know that we are thinking about you all and praying that Brian will be over this "hump" soon and back at home with his family. Take care a do try to get some rest,

    Ann and Gerry Martell

  2. Lynn - I am so glad you and Dave are there to help cover all those bases!! Our love to all, and we are praying for recovery for Brian soon.

  3. Hi LuAnne, we are following the news from a distance and are glad you are so well surrounded by loved ones. Know that we are praying for you every day. We hope Brian will be back with you soon.

    Sue & Simon Yeomans

  4. Hang in there Brian......Be strong!!!!!

    Dale Trendell
    Peewee AE Hockey Team Manager

  5. Thinking of you and looking forward to seeing you again soon!
