Monday, February 16, 2009

Benefit & Brian

Hi all,

I know those of you who were not able to be at the benefit last night are hoping for a report so I thought I would write a quick note now and post some photos later.

I think everyone would agree it was overwhelming to see the hundreds of people there. Those who organized the event did an outstanding job of every detail from organization, tickets, games, decorating, food, music, prizes, etc. It was such a comfort to see the support surrounding Brian's family.

We had hoped to have live internet connection between the event and Brian's room in the ICU but something wouldn't work on the hospital end of the connection so it wasn't mean to be. Photos and video were taken to show Brian.

I know if Lu had time she would write you all a huge thank you - this has blessed her family beyond words!

The latest I know about Brian is that last night (actually early this AM) the hospital called Lu to tell her they were putting an Intubation tube in to help him breathe better. He has requested this only be in until the Pneumonia clears up because he can't go home with it in. Dave and I plan to head to the hospital this afternoon and I will share all your love with Brian.


1 comment:

  1. Hi BA!

    Peter sent me your blog and I´m so glad to have gives an me a chance to see the great amount of support that you have.

    Whenever I think of my childhood (now THAT sounds formal!!!) there is hardly a memory without a Bottrill in it. The beaten back path between Governor´s Rd and Mayfair Ave. Calling to talk to Joan, having someone answer who then forgot to pass on the phone call and running over to hang up the phone.Climbing the weed tree, playing rounders under the weed tree. Stealing apples from Willy Lange. Raking leaves etc, etc.

    I remember hearing from Mum years later about Rod´s declaration as a 7 year old that you were his best enemy. A more genuine declaration of friendship couldn´t be wished for from a 7 year old!!!!

    Really, I want you to know that I may be thousands of miles away, but I´m thinking of you every day.

    much love from
    Lisa Miller
