Saturday, February 7, 2009

From Brian

I slept in this morning for the first time in a long time and it’s all the fault of my brothers at Valley City Lodge 117 IOOF. You guys are the best. You organized such an awesome evening of music and fraternity. I didn’t ever want to leave. It was great to see lots of friends that I haven’t seen in a long time. A big thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the musicians who made the evening entertainment the success that it was. I sure wish that I could have been up with my jammin’ buddies at the end, but it was up to Chris B and me to sit back and enjoy the groove. Last night was a true testament to Oddfellowship. The lodge pulled together to relieve my distress and for that I will be eternally grateful.
Yours in FL&T


  1. Hey Brian. You're just shocked that the lodge brothers could organize anything without you being involved! We're all very grateful that you could come and stay for the whole evening. It was a really special night.

    Now you just let your amazing better half and the rest of your wonderful family look after you and get rested up for next Sunday. I will stop by for a visit some time this week.

  2. Hey BB,

    I can't tell you how much we missed you up there at the end either Bro. We missed you keeping us in the melody with the square chords you are usually the one I can look to with a bewildered glance when Weirdo, Volkov, and Jay do their 'jazz harmony' ;)

    I just wish we had more time to talk, but it took me until about 11pm to figure out the PA (special thanks to Long and Mcquade for all the impedance mismatches in the equipment they rented us, not) and make it sound decent. I'm glad we had the time for a long chat on Thursday (I figured Friday night would be crazy)and look forward to stopping by again soon. TTYL

  3. Yeah! What a great night for everyone! It was cool to see the 'ole basement as full as it was, on such short notice.


  4. Such a wonderful evening with so many surprises from Oliphant, Galt, Owen Sound et al! B was thrilled! The music was swingin, tasty pizza and lots of laughter. I saw B jiving to the music with his eyes and his body! He was so happy for such a warm caring thoughtful night. Thank you all. Jen xo

  5. hey!brian,awesome night,it was great to see you and your family all enjoying a well deserved night of fun.I could of used your guitar up there too!,Jay is such a horrible bass player as everyone knows!!!?!!it was hard to keep it going(wait...maybe it was all the rye I drank??!!!)anyways...keep that smile on!!and look forward to next weekend. -your newest brother!!Jeff.R.

  6. Hey my friend, and what an awesome night it was! A testament to the "brotherhood" and just how much you inspire and have warmed the hearts of others.

    Jammin, just ain't the same without you!!!!! YOU make us a class act!

  7. Hey Brian, It was so great to see you out and about for the night. As far as the oddfellows being responsible for you getting some sleep. I'd bet a million dollars they've done that to you before. And I know given half a chance they'd do it again, just for fun. We all had a blast, what a great night. Take care, bask in the love from your friends and family and know deep in your heart the we will always be there for you guys. Nancy Post
