Sunday, January 25, 2009

The journey from last Fall until now ...

In August/September of 2008 Brian began to experience weakness in his back, right hand and cramping in his legs along with constant twitching (called fasciculations). Hard now to believe he was playing Volleyball Labor Day weekend! In October, after an EMG test ruled out a pinch nerve his Doctor ordered him to see a
specialist and tests were begun to try and find out what he was
suffering from and rule out some possibilities. Through November and
December MRIs, CAT Scans, Spinal Tap and Blood Work were all done and
muscular disorders like MS were ruled out as well as viral causes like
Lyme Disease or West Nile and neurological disorders (Motor Neuron
Diseases) were strongly (and sadly) more suspected. As of January 23,
2008, the fear of ALS was confirmed and is now being treated as
aggressively as possible. It is somewhat comforting to know that his
Doctor (Dr. Turnbull of Mac Master University Hospital, Hamilton, ON)
is considered top in this field and the team working with him is well
organized in helping families through this illness.

During the past months, Brian has continued to lose more of his motor
skills and is now using a wheelchair. Much gratitude goes out to the
special friends who built a wheelchair ramp from the front door to the
driveway! The addition of a hospital bed and turning the dining room
into a bedroom has allowed for easier sleeping and eliminating the
need to navigate stairs. A breathing machine has also been a helpful
addition to make each day a little easier as well as a suctioning machine (just like at the dentist) to help clear things so he doesn't have to swallow as much.

The offers of help are overwhelming and we hope to be able to post
needs so that those who want to can find ways to best match their time
and talents with their desire to help. Words cannot even express how
it feels to know that tickets have been sold out twice and many
donations have come in for the Bottrill Family Fundraiser at the
Dundas Legion Hall on Sunday, February 15! In addition, the Royal Bank
has set up a Bottrill Family Trust Fund for ongoing financial
donations. What a testimony to what real community can do when
resources are pooled together to turn a tragedy into an opportunity of
blessing and giving back!


  1. You girls have done a MARVELOUS job with this website. As you know our love and prayers are with Brian (B.A.) and Lu and Blake and Bryce. We just wish we lived closer so that we could physically help in some way. I have forwarded this on to other family members and hopefully you will hear from them soon.

    Auntie Carol & Uncle Roger xoxoxoxo

  2. Hello folks. As some of you know, Brian is a member of the Valley City Odd Fellows in Dundas. His openness and generosity he shows to us and those we assist in daily lives are the stuff of legend, and we are attempting to give him and his family as much help as we can, in return for all he has done for us. We invite everyone to also attend our Open Mike Benefit at the Lodge on February 6th, 2009. All funds raised will go to the Bottrill Family Trust Fund. We are aware that many of us were unable to obtain tickets for the event on the 15th, so here is another opportunity to give!

    Jason Colavecchia

  3. The site looks great. We are paraying for Brian and the family. Community and friend support are so helpful in situations like this as we know all to well from our daughter in laws fight last year. We are praying for an outcome such as we were fortunate to have and in the meantime offering support to you all in whatever way we can. We love you all so much and wish the power of prayer could have enough strengh to heal Brian.

  4. Hey Uncle "B"! For what it's worth, we're thinking of you EVERY day! We'll be in touch real soon! Love you!
    Alan, Lena, Doug & Dean

  5. Thank you so much for posting a BLOG to keep us all updated. We feel so helpless in a situation like this being such a long distance away (Virginia). This will enable us to know better how we can help despite the miles that span between us. Our thoughts, prayers and love go out to Brian, LuAnne and the boys. I will pass this on to Cole and Kaylin for them to send their love and prayers as well.
    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take in a moment...but rather by those moments that take our breath away."
    We have all shared some of those special moments with Brian admiring the beautiful Oliphant Sunsets and we will continue to have fond memories as we follow this BLOG and share the journey.

  6. Brian, Lu and Boys,

    All our love from here in Georgia. You are all so very close in our hearts and prayers every day that goes by. I am so happy to have this Blog to stay in touch (thanks so so much Lynn and all) to stay connected with our prayers. What a blessed man your are Brian to have all these fabulous friends. It's obvious they too have all been touched by your special smiles and your so very gracious, accepting and giving spirit. We won't allow the miles to divide us and with this blog we can all work together as 'one' in powerful prayer to thank God for all our blessings and pray he strengthens our Brian, his beautiful family and all of us who need the gifts he offers our lives. I know he hears our prayers, for Brian is a very special man indeed.

    We Adore You Brian,
    Love and Hugs,
    April, Todd, Nic and Kelk

  7. Lu, Brain and Boys:
    Terri and Neal here, in Oliphant, are thinking of you all every day, just this past Sunday Di and Jim and Neal and I all went to the Tiki hut and had a toast to Brian. Love and Hugs to all of you and thank you for this blog, wonderful idea.

  8. This is from Pam, Brian's Mom. There are no words to express how thankful we all are for the love, concern, generosity and help that we have all received from so many friends and family. Our heartfelt thanks go out to everyone.

  9. Hi BA, Lu, Blake and Bryce ~~
    I definitely agree -- this blog is a wonderful idea.
    Brian is a very special person and I appreciate all of the perfect bonfires he provides us with every year !!
    I look forward to staying in touch with the assistance of this blog.
    You are in our thoughts and prayers & we'll be in touch.
    Luv Kelly & Rob

  10. I am so very sorry to hear about Brian. My heart goes out to each of you and LuAnne I will keep you all in my prayers. I have forwarded your email to Linda & Bill Thomas just in case they did not know. God bless you all and May our Great Lord and Savior be continuously in your heart and mind. He is in control! Love and hugs and I will keep returning to the blog now that it is up and running. Bye from Brunswick, Georgia

  11. Sending Light and Love Daily. Envisioning Brian's bright smile and wishing each of his family and close friends comfort and peace throughout his journey. So grateful to be able to follow the blog!
