Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I was going to update you all Monday night to tell you about what a nice day we had, but my eyes said, go to bed and do it in the morning ☺ Tuesday turned into a really busy day, so here I am finally Wed. morning with an update on the last few days ~

Monday morning we started with a visit from our OT (Ian) ~ he stopped by to fit Brian for a wheelchair his size. He was also very helpful in showing us ways to transfer B from his favorite brown chair to the wheelchair.. Amazing how much easier it is when you know the technique (my back is thanking him too)

Soon after he left my girlfriend Char who cuts our boys hair arrived ~ I had asked her if she would do a “home cut” for Brian ~ he feels like a new guy ~ thanks Charlene ☺
Next up was a visit from a nurse….she was here to get the low down on Brian…….after pages of questions and answers she was off and we await the next visit (weekly at this point)
Later that afternoon good buddies Dave & Dan from up north surprised Brian with a visit ☺ B has said, many times how great it was to see them!! Thanks for the smiles guys!

After dinner we headed off to Blake’s hockey game…….other than cold toes Brian enjoyed getting out to yet another one of the boy’s games!

It’s now Tuesday morning ~ unfortunately B woke up with the sniffles ~ not a welcome thing when breathing is already an issue. He spent the day watching TV and resting while using his Bipap (breathing machine) on and off.
His sister Jen, Brother David & his friend Peter were all over for a visit today…..thanks for the dinner Jen ☺

It’s now 9:20 Wed morning ~ Brian slept well and in fact is still sleeping…….We have visits this morning from the physio therapist & the PSW (personal support worker)

10:45 ~ a quick update before I send this to Lynn to Post (we haven’t figured out yet how I can “post” myself)
Shirley our PSW worker just left ~ she got Brian all freshened up & into his chair with some breakfast…..on to another day.
The Physio T called to canceled because of the snow…….we’ll see her again on Mon.

Thank you all for your kind words and support ~ Brian (as well as I) enjoy hearing from each and everyone of you!
LuAnne, Brian, Blake & Bryce


  1. Hey Brian it was good to see you yesterday. It was fun reminiscing about crazy things from way back in Grade 5! I can't believe we have been friends for so long. Our trip to California for the Tournament of Roses Parade and the Rose Bowl back in 2006-2007 was just an awesome adventure. I can't imagine there would have been a better person to go on that trip with. I'll never forget the smile on your face as you rode in the drivers seat of that "Woody" on the Odd Fellows float in the parade. The whole experience was amazing. And it was great to go into "wild and dangerous" Oakland to see the Hospital where I was born and the house my parents were living in at the time. What a hoot!

    I told the guys at the lodge meeting last night that you will be coming out for our fund raiser on Feb. 6th. It's going to be an awesome night. Everybody sends their love and their prayers. I will drop by next week to see you again.

  2. Hey Brian,
    Looking forward to seeing you at the Open Mike. We are going to try to get Chris Bromwich out as he is looking forward to seeing you as well. New Odd Fellow Jeff and I are going to try to get out to your place in the next few days...stay cool bro.

  3. This is David, Brian's brother. I just wanted to add to our mother's thanks to the multitude of people who are pulling together to help our family at this time. It warms our hearts to see what community can do and is a testament to the impact Brian has had on all your lives.

  4. Dear Brian, Great to see Lu's update we knew they couldnt keep the "wildman" down. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We wish you strength, courage and grace as you undertake this difficult journey. Albert Camus said:"In the midst of winter , I found there was within me an invincible summer." Our hope is that happy memories of Oliphant will help you find your inner summer and expect to see you at Preacher's or the Island this year for the real thing. Take care good friend, Jamie and Marlene
