Friday, January 30, 2009

2 Fundraising events in February

There are 2 events coming up to help raise money for the Bottrill Family Trust Fund (at the Royal Bank in Dundas). I am waiting for verification on how to send checks directly to the bank (for those in the USA) and will post that in the future.

Many thanks go out to those involved in organizing and making these events be great. You are all an overwhelming blessing to the family!

1. The VALLEY CITY I.O.O.F.OPEN MIKE NIGHT with all proceeds and donations going to the Bottrill Family Trust Fund
February 6th, 2009, Doors open at 7:30pm
63 Main Street, Dundas Ontario (Across from the old Town Hall)
NO COVER CHARGE! Please be Generous
Just some of the people performing at this event:
Al Cannon Mark Foley Fred and Ruth May Al Flint Project
and many more....
There will be sign-up sheets for those interested in time on-stage.
Event is open to everyone. Our only restriction is capacity, but we'll accommodate as many as possible!
For more information contact Jason at:

2. Bottrill Family Fundraiser at Dundas Legion Br 36
Sunday, February 15, 2009, 7p - 11p

Tickets have been sold out twice for this event!
If you purchased tickets and cannot attend, PLEASE let us know because there are family and friends in need of tickets to be able to get in.
This event is also posted as an event on Facebook if you want to see additional information there.
Organizers of this event are Kate Redman and Hayley Redman Shaw
People wishing to make a donation by cheque at the event can make them payable to "Hayley Shaw in Trust for the Bottrill Family" or "Kate Redman in Trust for the Bottrill Family" and they will be deposited for you.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I was going to update you all Monday night to tell you about what a nice day we had, but my eyes said, go to bed and do it in the morning ☺ Tuesday turned into a really busy day, so here I am finally Wed. morning with an update on the last few days ~

Monday morning we started with a visit from our OT (Ian) ~ he stopped by to fit Brian for a wheelchair his size. He was also very helpful in showing us ways to transfer B from his favorite brown chair to the wheelchair.. Amazing how much easier it is when you know the technique (my back is thanking him too)

Soon after he left my girlfriend Char who cuts our boys hair arrived ~ I had asked her if she would do a “home cut” for Brian ~ he feels like a new guy ~ thanks Charlene ☺
Next up was a visit from a nurse….she was here to get the low down on Brian…….after pages of questions and answers she was off and we await the next visit (weekly at this point)
Later that afternoon good buddies Dave & Dan from up north surprised Brian with a visit ☺ B has said, many times how great it was to see them!! Thanks for the smiles guys!

After dinner we headed off to Blake’s hockey game…….other than cold toes Brian enjoyed getting out to yet another one of the boy’s games!

It’s now Tuesday morning ~ unfortunately B woke up with the sniffles ~ not a welcome thing when breathing is already an issue. He spent the day watching TV and resting while using his Bipap (breathing machine) on and off.
His sister Jen, Brother David & his friend Peter were all over for a visit today…..thanks for the dinner Jen ☺

It’s now 9:20 Wed morning ~ Brian slept well and in fact is still sleeping…….We have visits this morning from the physio therapist & the PSW (personal support worker)

10:45 ~ a quick update before I send this to Lynn to Post (we haven’t figured out yet how I can “post” myself)
Shirley our PSW worker just left ~ she got Brian all freshened up & into his chair with some breakfast…..on to another day.
The Physio T called to canceled because of the snow…….we’ll see her again on Mon.

Thank you all for your kind words and support ~ Brian (as well as I) enjoy hearing from each and everyone of you!
LuAnne, Brian, Blake & Bryce

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Help being provided

Many of you are asking what kind of help the family is receiving and although we don't have all the details right now I thought you might like to know what's happening currently. Brian now has a Physical Therapist (PT) that came on Saturday and showed some exercises that can be done to help keep muscles from atrophying. There is also an Occupational Therapist that helps asses what equipment, etc. is needed and on Monday he came to measure B for a wheelchair as the one he is using was donated and not his size. Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) will be providing daily help starting Thursday and we'll post more on that as those details unfold. As more needs are assessed we will keep you posted. Your comments are appreciated very much. Here is one from Brian's mom, Pam Daniels, that she asked me to post for her: "This is Brian's Mom and I have to say to everyone that we have been overwhelmed with all the help we have received so far and all the offers of help to come. So many kind people and we thank you all sincerely."

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The journey from last Fall until now ...

In August/September of 2008 Brian began to experience weakness in his back, right hand and cramping in his legs along with constant twitching (called fasciculations). Hard now to believe he was playing Volleyball Labor Day weekend! In October, after an EMG test ruled out a pinch nerve his Doctor ordered him to see a
specialist and tests were begun to try and find out what he was
suffering from and rule out some possibilities. Through November and
December MRIs, CAT Scans, Spinal Tap and Blood Work were all done and
muscular disorders like MS were ruled out as well as viral causes like
Lyme Disease or West Nile and neurological disorders (Motor Neuron
Diseases) were strongly (and sadly) more suspected. As of January 23,
2008, the fear of ALS was confirmed and is now being treated as
aggressively as possible. It is somewhat comforting to know that his
Doctor (Dr. Turnbull of Mac Master University Hospital, Hamilton, ON)
is considered top in this field and the team working with him is well
organized in helping families through this illness.

During the past months, Brian has continued to lose more of his motor
skills and is now using a wheelchair. Much gratitude goes out to the
special friends who built a wheelchair ramp from the front door to the
driveway! The addition of a hospital bed and turning the dining room
into a bedroom has allowed for easier sleeping and eliminating the
need to navigate stairs. A breathing machine has also been a helpful
addition to make each day a little easier as well as a suctioning machine (just like at the dentist) to help clear things so he doesn't have to swallow as much.

The offers of help are overwhelming and we hope to be able to post
needs so that those who want to can find ways to best match their time
and talents with their desire to help. Words cannot even express how
it feels to know that tickets have been sold out twice and many
donations have come in for the Bottrill Family Fundraiser at the
Dundas Legion Hall on Sunday, February 15! In addition, the Royal Bank
has set up a Bottrill Family Trust Fund for ongoing financial
donations. What a testimony to what real community can do when
resources are pooled together to turn a tragedy into an opportunity of
blessing and giving back!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Welcome to our blog - a place for all those who love Brian & his family to be able to get updates on how things are (to save time sending everyone emails!) and for you to be able to post comments for the family to read.