Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Update from LuAnne

I know you are probably wondering how things are going........The ole saying "no news is good news" is the case here ~

Although most days are busy around here between care givers coming and going, phone calls & visitors, I am grateful for the help we are now getting & welcome the visits! :)

I'm beginning to think if we could avoid Mondays we'd be better off ~ This is the 2nd Monday now that has NOT been a good day for B. He didn't sleep well ~ (I know I was awake more than I slept) :(

He woke up in the morning tired and struggling to get a good breath ~ we changed the settings on his Bipap machine & he was finally able to get some relief.....his cold does not help matters :(
He spent the day resting & enjoying his new TV (wow was the SuperBowl ever SUPER in HD!!)
He also enjoyed a visit from Rev Ted and the Whelan's (cottage friends)

Tuesday was a quiet day around here I even got in a nap :) Later in the evening the O.T. stopped by to set up the new "Roho pads" (Google it) for Brian's chair and bed. You all know that Brian never had to much "meat" on him to begin with and he's unfortunately much thinner should have seen the smile when he sat on this pad.....ah that's much better he said!!

Brian is always just a touch away in the house via his new "indoor doorbell"......he has a button by his side and we plug in the other end where ever we happen to be ~ I can be up here on my computer or downstairs doing laundry & he can let me know he needs something......its a great thing! Well, other than when it rings too often.... :)

That's it for now we'll be in touch soon ~
LuAnne, Brian, Blake & Bryce

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are going well. Now that I got rid of my cold I can come for a visit...see ya soon.
